Our policy forms the basis for this work, and we work actively to apply it in all of our processes, such as recruitment, personal development, and salary negotiations. For example, we use clear requirement profiles during recruitments to ensure that we are focusing on expertise and minimizing the risk of discrimination.
We produce annual documentation of all efforts related to equal treatment, including salary inventory. The purpose is to detect, rectify, and prevent unreasonable salary differences between men and women. This is a collaboration between the company and the local union branches. Together, we have determined that we are within the framework of what can be considered reasonable.
In the past year, we have reviewed our policy for victimization, which has included clarifying how different events should be handled. We have also updated out whistleblower function, which means an employee suffering from misconduct can communicate with HR anonymously. Unfortunately, a few cases of victimization have occurred, and we take these very seriously. This is an area we must continue to prioritize, and as well as the large-scale work on our values currently underway, we are also providing work environment training for all managers and safety representatives. And of course the social work environment issues form a natural part of this. We have also introduced specific sponsor training to improve how we help new employees and seasonal workers feel part of the social context.
In general, we have a more even division between men and women at managerial level and in specialist positions than in total among all employees. The male/female ratio in the Swedish operations is 62/38 at managerial level, and 50/50 in our management groups. For the Czech operations, the figure is 47/53 at managerial level. But the differences are greater in the business as a whole. It has traditionally been more difficult to find female candidates for the more technical positions, which means it feels particularly pleasing that in recent years we have succeeded in recruiting more female process operators.
Degebergavägen 60
291 91 Kristianstad